What is a Small Group & Why Should I Join One?

At Rockaway AG, we believe that God created us for Community.
This is why we focus a lot of time and resources in making sure our various small groups are running effectively.
We believe fostering life long relationships matter when it comes navigating life's journey.
Having a community you can rely on is vital to remaining strong in your Christian Faith.

Small Groups are formed seasonally and meet at varying times through out the month.
If you are interested in learning more continue reading below.
Provided are the names, locations and contact information for the small group leaders
as well as a brief description of what their group will focus on this session.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the group leaders directly
or you can contact the church office directly.

If you are ready to join a small group or would like more information simply click the link below and the small group leader will get back to you!

Meet our Small Group Leaders

Psalm 91:  God's Umbrella

Hosts:  Pastor Rick & Diane Rounsaville
Meets: Twice a month Friday evening

Proverbs:  Wireless Connection

Host:  Mary Ellen Garofallo
Meets: Twice a Month 7pm via Zoom
Location:  Zoom

Book of Acts

Hosts: James & Kaitlyn Burke
Meets:  Once a Month in Sparta

Motherhood & Homeschooling Fellowship

Hosts: Kaitlyn Burke &
Michele Fawcett
Group Focus:  Support and fellowship for mothers in various stages from newborn to teens as well as homeschoolers
Meets: Once a Month
Location:  Rockaway AG 

Small Group: General

Hosts:  Steve & Melissa Mihalik
Focus: Various Topics
Meets: Once a Month on Sunday at 1pm Hamburg